From Swan Mining's implosion to Bitmain units being halted at U.S. customs, we broke a lot of news this year.
Here are our top newsletters from the year
Plus, Russia's mining ban, Tether's investment in Rumble, Bitcoin Dev Kit 1.0, and alleged Bitcoin transaction censorship.
The last 12 months saw a resurgence of Bitcoin aligned tech stacks. But whose actually building versus catching in on the hype wave?
And other bitcoin headlines you missed this week.
This Chinese car company just bought 32 EH/s...
The problems quantum computing poses for Bitcoin (and how to solve them)
Woo! What a week in Bitcoin...
DCG and Foundry plan to unveil Fortitude Mining in the New Year.
The rise of the corporate treasury strategy might make the metric less important than it has ever been.
Strong prices belied what a truly chaotic week it was for Bitcoin miners, exchanges and traders.
Even so, a soft fork would make them MUCH easier...